December 23, 2020

mass music period

Tobacco is the normal offering, as it’s a sacred herb to MOST (NOT all) Native tribes of the USA. How majestic they are. )Constitutional REPUBLIC. This website was an absolute sham I hoped google would list legal feathers for harvest. They seem so joyous. More than 800 species are currently on the list, including the Bald Eagle, Black-capped Chickadee, Northern Cardinal, American Crow, Canada Goose, Mourning Dove, Barn Swallow, Cedar Waxwing, Barn Owl, and more. You envrio people kill me with your lack of common sense. Depending on the severity, a vet may glue and bandage a broken / cracked beak. The advantage of the method: there will be no objections from the carcass, and then it can be cut and eaten. Is down (feathers) harvested from live geese and they are allowed to regrow their feathers or is it a byproduct of killing the geese for food? So how do you justify a shaman gifting another spiritual healer with one for spiritual ceremonies? … and many other countries around the world that have similar sensible legislation to protect wildlife from the gun and knife of unfettered commercialism. So Where do they get there Logic ?? Do you know the difference between the Canada geese sub species? On the VERY rare occasion you do pull it out, it’s a big deal. They all look like Canada geese but they are all different. The law exists to punish people like that, which is why you don’t see the DNR or USFWS knocking on the doors of hikers and bird-watchers asking if they have any illegal feathers. Don’t get caught with those feathers, then. Generally many places have permissions for picking up roadkill (excluding a few species) as it is considered to serve the public good. What face with a. But bear in mind this law not only helped the Bald Eagle be removed from the endangered species list, it also helps make sure other birds don’t fall victim to the same potential fate that happened when humans took advantage of these animals years ago. Yes, REAL Natives are legally able to have various feather for our spiritual beliefs, ceremonies and purposes but even we still get stopped and given hell about it. my female goose is loosing her feathers like mad! I’ve seen it first hand at powwows, events and gatherings. It seems no one has really been charged for picking up an eagle feather, and people who were charged often had the conviction added onto other laws that were broken or were actively killing birds and/or selling their feathers. He picks it up and carries it around in his hand, looking at it with wonder and curiosity. Both male and female goose chicks are goslings. I pick up feathers all the time. ” What the hell does that mean? With that line of thinking, everything fun would end up being illegal eventually. Explain to her that many sacred bird species to many Native American tribes are now extinct due to these reasons and that these native people are unable to use them for ceremonial reasons due to these extinctions, helping to break down and destroy cultures along with multiple species of bird. So it’s already illegal to kill the birds… making a harmless activity like picking up discarded feathers illegal just cause investigators can’t tell the difference sounds like a problem for the investigators and a basic violation of the spirit of freedom. Often, African geese are crossed with Toulouses to develop a commercial hybrid for meat production. get real. Tracks: The webbed feet of the Canada Goose are apparent when looking at their tracks. A down "cluster" is a soft and fluffy 3 dimensional structure with many filaments growing in all directions. yes you can have wild turkey and pheasant feathers and carcasses-they are both legally hunted- these comments are full of falsehoods and misperceptions and misinterpretations. Do your homework. What do I do with those? It’s like you’re saying every time you pick a feather up a bird just falls out the sky. They haven’t had any positive effects. windmills kill damns ruin watersheds and rivers and coal extraction and burning sends more pollution and combined radiation into the atmosphere then nuclear . give me a break!!!!!!!! Think on that as you reach for that feather next time. Considered a novelty by many, they do dress out well and are relatively good egg layers. wild turkey feathers are also very attractive, as are those of pheasants. But, if a feather is already on the ground, and innocently picked up, there is no intent to harm certain pieces of birds. But we’re dealing with an animal endemic to North America, and a symbol of the United States at that, that was almost extinct because of the way humans were interacting with the environment. It’s only 20 acres, but we are working on managing it for wildlife. Thanks for bringing this to my attention. Bird lives matter I am glad they are protected from disappearing.poachers should be caught.people making sacred medicine pieces need to be cautious about poachers selling them feathers.upmost respect for sacred spirits.this forum is good education. i have trouble accepting there’s an underground market for goose feathers… When the skin rips during this process it is sewn up with a straight needle (no analgesic or sterilization used) and the bird is left to recover before the next “harvest of feathers.” I’m sad because though my native blood is strong it’s not enough to carry sacred feathers.i have visions from my ancestors but cannot use found feathers on my dreamcatchers.i own no guns not know anybody with any still can’t have.i want to take a DNA test to prove I’m native but still won’t be enough to use found feathers in creating my heart spirit dreamcatchers. To pick the feathers off, grip them like you would a piece of paper that you are about to rip. In my state we still can’t sell them but can have them. While the reason for the law is sound, the penalty is absurdly heavy-handed and is an unreasonable infringement. The word “democracy” appears nowhere in our constitution. Both. Personally I find it a little foolish myself, but understand the purpose behind it. Few people realize that there are distinct populations of Canada geese in New York. There is a hunting season on doves in many states… so there would not be a problem possessing dove feathers. Lots of good dark viewing spots for astronomy are on private property, better outlaw awesome telescopes. SOME goose feathers are legal. But I read something recently about not being able to pick up eagle feathers. and pollution from coal burning plants and power lines from ALL power generation sources kill hundreds more. All the birds you listed are migratory native species. Most people who pick them up probably are children who are just curious or want a “treasure” from a fun time with family. My kid has a right to a bicycle. America, the stupid. By people who didn’t know the difference. Shoot a dove. What Makes a Baby Goose a Gosling . Wow they are huge. It will take about 6-8 weeks and your tiel will be cranky while they come back in. The fines get VERY hefty. Goose feathers grow from pores in the epidermis that resemble human hair follicles.When a goose's feathers are plucked, its skin has protrusions where the feathers were, and these bumps are what the human phenomenon resembles. Just saw 1 today and it looks like a eagle nest in a tall tree close by. Look it up on youtube or on google. It seems so wasteful to hit a bird by accident and have to leave it rot, or call the police and ask for a permit for the carcas, can you even get a permit for foul that have run amuck of your front bumper, or do you have to go to jail for not having your car under control when a bird is in flight? Goose farming. Deer can be poached, better outlaw deer hunting. The living conditions are horrendous and sad. You may have heard the urban legend. If we, as Natives find feathers on the ground, we take it as a gift and sign/message of some kind. Yes, they do get thicker feathers in the winter. I was wondering if there is a special type of tobacco that I should use? Although feather cysts may be seen in all species, the highest incidence is in: Blue and Gold Macaws; Budgies (budgerigars) and You've got a bird with clipped wings and now start to wonder whether the feathers will grow back or not? My little collage is staying where it is. We have the technology to check for forensic evidence. This article is definitely wrong about Canadian Geese. (Canadians), I have never shot one in summer Sorry could not resist Though true. what do you do with those? LOL .. really ? Tell her being a steward of Nature isn’t about what you get to claim for yourself. Okaaaaaaaaay, that might be over exaggerating just a bit much, no? Is it illegal to have blue jay, American Robin, and mockingbird feathers? Yes it should all grow back fine. Farm-raised domestic geese, which are also slaughtered for food. A feather cyst occurs when a growing feather is unable to protrude through the skin and curls within the follicle. I was blessed last spring. Ever notice that one side of the "V" is longer than the other? (I call these snackbirds.) Which I would never expect to be worthy of finding. So Very True ! It breaks my heart that my child can’t pick up a couple dove feathers that are laying in my backyard. – Charles Schulz. If you're planning to get some geese, you should consider the following things: You need a brooder, at least temporarily. In all, about 573,000 birds, including 83,000 raptors — eagles, hawks, falcons and owls — perished in wind turbines in 2013, according to a study published by Wildlife Society Bulletin. Oct 13, 2013 #2 Speceider Songster. I’ve had a gun for over 40 years. the law is the law to fix it write your congressmen. I have been collecting feathers all the time! It shouldn’t be illegal to pick up and keep a random feather you find on the ground. So now we have the laws to prevent people from killing the birds and selling them to people who might claim “but I found it!”. Any rule that makes a little girl cry has to be a bad rule. If I get it home without being caught no one is gonna know. That means other countries have agreed to exactly the same thing. While a duck or goose is still young, angel wing usually can be corrected by using vet wrap to secure the last two joints of the wing for 4 or 5 days. It is stating that you are guilty of some crime, even before you have the opportunity to prove yourself innocent. Depending on the severity, a vet may glue and bandage a broken / cracked beak. There is the aluetian Canada goose and the Pacific,the Richardson,cackling,dusky, the lesser and the greater. Never called Canadian goose. Like seriously, how? Know your rights and don’t let the police search your house without a warrant. That means the feathers of all of these birds are forbidden. They get ya coming and going. The term is often only applied to the youngest chicks, however, and when juvenile geese begin to show flight feathers and adult plumage they are not typically called goslings. The breath Eagle is NOT, nor was ever meant to be worn and flaunted. If everything is done correctly, then the goose should not be left naked, it should have small feathers on its body. Unfortunately the laws are made to protect birds from being slaughtered by bird murderous assholes who greedy want to profit.birds are sacred to me.all lives matter. So the next time you see a bird feather on the ground, you’d better be sure it’s from an invasive species or nonmigratory bird or leave it alone. I seen a person at a powwow with hawk featherS who was claiming to have been gifted the feathers get arrested because he had actually bought them illegally from an online vendor of some kind. etc. Geese molt in the summer time which means that they loose feathers and can only fly short distances. what about the bird that breaks it’s neck on a window or flies into a car? Geese molt in the summer time which means that they loose feathers and can only fly short distances. The founders decided against a democracy as they always devolve into the majority abusing human rights and stealing from the minority, and historically always failed. Keep in mind that ducks and geese go through several sets of feathers as they mature. A vet visit is recommended. Those who call for the constitutional democracy seem to be those who ignore or state our constitution incorrectly, cherry picking and changing the meaning(s) of phrases and words at will and whenever it suits their current purpose. The circle of life continues. we have a hawk the will catch birds in mid-flight near the bird feeder in the back yard…the mid-air impact leaves a circle of feathers on the ground…so you are saying i can’t pick up a feather in my own yard?….seriously? Some are rarer than others. Well said! Verifying the name of the hunter who killed the goose is easily traced through records as well as whether or not that hunter possessed a Federal Waterfowl Stamp to take a goose. Where are these companies getting their goose down feathers for clothing and pillows? Ya just gotta look at the good and bad balance of all things. Another county employee who doesn’t come up to my floor very often saw them the other day and told me I could get fined, so I came here to check. Goose feathers grow from pores in the epidermis that resemble human hair follicles.When a goose's feathers are plucked, its skin has protrusions where the feathers were, and these bumps are what the human phenomenon resembles. What about ibis feathers? Eagles are garbage hounds and scavengers for the most part. Hunting was fairly rampant because the fashion during that time featured hats adorned with bird feathers. When geese molt, they only lose flight feathers...not body feathers. If she's molted, and the feathers didn't grow in, see a vet. There’s no doubt we’re under-counting them and it’s an outrage, This is the dark side of green. As for the legal aspect, yes, it IS enforced. Geese molt in the summer time which means that they loose feathers and can only fly short distances. That fact that a crime could have occurred doesn’t mean you should take the right away. Not true, a dove is not an on the migratory bird list and is not endangered. for picking up a bird feather?? You could explain that a shed bird feather is just as important when its on a bird as other birds and wildlife might use the feather to make their nest or bedding soft and warm. That sir, is disturbing. Come join the discussion about targets, clays, hunting, gunsmithing, gear reviews, accessories, classifieds, and more! I decided that if I ever find one I will quietly take it and leave an offering. Make sure you pluck all the feathers … Home > Against wing clipping > Will the feathers grow back? I feel so lucky though it was a little scary. Your daughter can pick up as many dove feathers as she wants. I keep feathers I find all the time. And a company called Seagrams made a bourbon called eagle rare and use the money to place pairs of eagles all over the US . Disadvantage: The carcass will no longer be able to supply feathers, down and eggs. Then how bout this….Take you snowflake butthurt whiney azz back to your mommy’s basement and cry for the next 7 years…maybe longer if we are lucky! I love birds and would never hurt them, for feathers or any other reason. Because no one would possibly think you killed the bird and then posed the feather on the ground for a photo. The pointed end and the shaft are fine, sure, but then at the end they look like they're suddenly trying to grow wings. Chicago, California, Washington DC etc , how have these areas with the strictest gun laws curbed gun violence? They treat the animals horribly, e en the baby chicks. Almost all US states have a Crow hunting season. The living conditions are horrendous and sad. And yeah, if you want to use the slippery slope argument that everything fun would end up being illegal eventually, sure. Using these muscles waterfowl can fluff up their feathers and move them back into position at will. And you sound a lot more dangerous than a little girl picking up pigeon feathers. Should I ask the eagles not to leave their discarded feathers scattered across my property? Period. I bet you didnt know that the so called legal feather trade is not so “clean”. Usurally just see 1. I applaud your thinking through so far on this matter, which is more than I can say for the authors of this ridiculously heavy-handed law. Yes, they do get thicker feathers in the winter. amen darlin; good god, amen; i kill nothing now, and try like mad to help keep things alive even, like discarded older human beings and unwanted children; bless the feathers honorably picked up from the ground, discarded by their owners. And yes explain to the girl the reasons for this. Actions to be taken: Course of action depends on the type of bird and degrees of severity of the injury. I collect feathers that are on the ground, I have no idea who they once belonged to. Primary feathers have a blood supply, so regrowth is only triggered if the blood feather is removed or the bird comes into moult. Yes, it is illegal to pull feathers from a live animal anywhere in the world, but they do it anyway for the sake of money. Knew the laws, you can pick that feather up study it, take pictures of it, use it as a teaching tool, but at the end of the day you must return it, if you don’t you now possesses it which is illegal for most Americans, and if you are a native American you must be actively involved in you religious beliefs or customs, To legal possess an eagle feather. If you give her a shower with a spray bottle, it will help keep itching and irritation down. Cardinals love the trees that grow on each side of easement road that divides the property. To use some big high sounding words to reprimand and speak evil against a child who is enjoying nature and collecting feathers which the bird has shed. The law is ridiculous. Worse yet, I have a bird feeder and that attracts a lot of birds and feathers. The people who are going to kill the birds or steal nests and eggs are going to do it whether there is a law or not, they don’t care or they wouldn’t do it in the first place, just like anything else that is against the law…abuse to any living thing, robbery and murder. The Eagle Feather Law allows the collection of Golden Eagle and Bald Eagle feathers for religious purposes by Native Americans. Wrong. Like you I have always felt like they were gifts. Most non native bird species have no laws around then it their feathers, but again that’s most so do your research. Buy a hunting license. Why do Americans insist alternately that we are either the nation the most or the least free from governmental interferences? They are a game bird with a hunting season. But within a week they grow to be rather awkward-looking, fuzzy gray birds. This law is an abuse and infringement on our reasonable liberty. The living conditions are horrendous and sad. Or to at least get it into the hands of someone who wouldn’t have made it part of this large subdivision. No? OK, Your email address will not be published. Feather clipping needs to be done annually. She'll lose most of her feathers and grow new ones. At on time the greater Canada was thought to be extinct. Statements like the one you just made are not only moronic but dangerous. Instead of protecting species it’s used the same way gun control is. That’s your come back. whole populations of birds have almost become extinct due to hat making useing feathers. Native bird species are because of the way they were all hunted for fashion accessories during the first century of this country history. Second, if you don’t know, you shouldn’t be trying to claim you are, just because you like our cultures. What we are to say wait let me call someone that is LEGAL to have come protect me. You too have the ‘right’ to be a moron that everyone is out to get the birds. Required fields are marked *. This is the dark side of extraction power .. No one with any intelligence thinks that if I pick up a cardinal feather that I killed the bird to get it. : Ce chapitre en français. A forum community dedicated to Trap shooting enthusiasts. Amputated or torn off beaks, as well as fractured beaks, will not grow back, but can be repaired. Anyone who wishes to honor the death of birds with ceremony or crafting of sacred items like medicine shields and other american indian artifacts may surely do so. another misperception of the law– there are only SOME migratory and/or endangered species of birds it is illegal to own feathers or carcasses of– your common pigeon or blue jay or robin or pheasant or turkey there is absolutely no problem with finding and keeping.. This country may benefit in stopping the gun show loophole, but other than that maybe focus less funds on blaming guns and use those funds for better mental healthcare or organizations that help mentor troubled youth. Right. Funny as hell to watch. I don’t smoke, but it would seem like something nicer would be in order anyway. To accept this situation is wrong and should be opposed. Thank you! The last of the feathers need to handle the front of the back and neck. It is the person using the gun in an evil way that is a murder machine. It’s hard to say if they will grow back. Home > Against wing clipping > Will the feathers grow back? They also build up a layer of fat to help keep them warm. Down is the soft under plumage (a layer of insulation underneath feathers) that geese, ducks and other waterfowl have to keep them warm and dry.. Feathers have hard stiff quills, down does not. BECAUSE I HAVE. Raising and caring for geese may be easier than you think. Someone visiting told me about this law and told her not to. These are placed in my braid attached to my hat. God bless you and all of the other people doing a bunch of research for this little girl that you don’t know. Turkey, pheasant, are legal. I don’t understand why morning doves and crows are illegal as they both have a hunting season and require you (on doves at least I don’t hunt crows ) Noltz is an idiot. But I definitely see why there is such a law place, though it does go overboard. And during the course of all this, the parents provide food for them, so the plaza around the building is often littered with the remnants of their hunts – a whole wing, a foot, a head, and of course feathers. We don’t need your ignorance passed down. It made me start wondering about the laws. How is picking up a feather that a bird has molted going to “protect wildlife from the gun and knife of unfettered commercialism. I walk the woods and deserts for relaxation and exercise. I understand the taking of a feather from a live bird, or the shooting of a bird for the purposes of harvesting feathers. Amputated or torn off beaks, as well as fractured beaks, will not grow back, but can be repaired. Powered by WordPress & Theme by Anders Norén. I, myself have, use and wear sacred feathers such as Hawk & Owl and various others. But we do have 2 red tail hawks nesting either on or near our land. These are the honking harbingers of the changing seasons, as waves of high flying geese pass over during spring and fall migration. the worlds going to end. We give harsher sentences for animal and enviromental “abuses” than we do crimes against others talk about ass backwards. For all I care, go drink yourself into oblivion. Or if one runs its beak across your back or down your side, that's considered a hug in geese society. I don’t get there LOGIC AT ALL ?? I refuse to recognize this abuse of my reasonable liberty. No, wrong. Walking in woods near lake pontchartrain in sw La I happened up on at least 25 golden eagles. Whether you were gifted it to you by the Eagle his/herself or a tribal and/or family member. Just my humble opinion. I’m just glad we have the freedoms and rights we do have. We try to respect the small piece of land that my husband inherited. I understand where you’re coming from here, but they aren’t saying for all laws, just this one in particular. Birds moult once a year losing every single feather then growing them all back, and they are well equipped to deal with losing a few feathers here and there. These animals are threatened because they are poached by people like yourself who have zero respect. I thought that it was ok. The Taxidermist if selling the mount, has to keep a record of the hunter that shot the goose, to prove he had the required permits, licenses to harvest the goose. Give me a break though…I find blue jay feathers and many other kinds in my yard or on walks. I get why protections need to be in place, because people are pigs, but for a kid, or me, a pretty feather is like a gift. As many as 2,000 birds gather around the lake for molting season, when the birds lose their flight feathers and need a place safe from predators to graze and drink water, before their feathers re-grow and most of the geese fly away for the winter, leaving about 200-400 geese at the lake. here is a picture of all her feathers . Feather … You know how ducks and geese always fly in a "V" formation? A: Usually, rainwater will naturally run off a duck’s back due to its waterproof feathers, but with a condition called wet feather, this waterproofing doesn’t quite work: The rain soaks in, and the duck’s down can become waterlogged, causing the duck to become chilled and start to avoid the water, making matters worse. They also build up a layer of fat to help keep them warm. It would appear that nearly no thinking went into it at all. Previously, several simple preparatory activities will be required. This is the fletching. Name, email, and Russia guess that makes me exempt from this law and told not! For clothing and pillows a common everyday starling or house sparrow, sure the 20 s. Says its legal to get away something much worse than feathers a poison that weaken there edge shell there. Will they and most did not have paperwork for their feathers are abundant and if they do get thicker in... 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