December 23, 2020

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Since its my first loaf :-) want to keep things as simple as possible. There is a much more satisfying and moreish flavour to a loaf made with fresh than one made with dry. Can I use freshly ground flour to feed my sourdough starter? However, I do get the point - of using the starter closer to its peaking time. I watch your videos every time I need to get ready to make a sourdough boule but after every time it proofs and expands nicely in the banneton, when it comes to placing on the parchment it spreads and doesn't rise in the dutch oven. HappyBaking :-). Once the sugar and starches from the feeding have been consumed, the starter will then start to deflate again. Maybe. Simple, when you add the starter to your bread recipe you are mixing the starter with, uhh... yup... flour. Saturday. is by using yeast that does not have as much leavening power and thus will take longer to get the job done. Once the starter is in the refrigerator, you will need to get it out of hibernation and prepare the sourdough starter for baking.To prepare the sourdough starter for baking, take the starter out of the fridge and feed it 8-12 hours before you plan to start making the dough. Then after enough practice you'll be able to handle a wet dough like a pro, or at least you’ll discover the level you are comfortable with. I take at least 7-8 hours to make and shape the bread. I hope you find this page helpful and here’s a tip for you: If you are looking for something in particular and your on a computer, press Ctrl+F together on your keyboard to search for a key word. To check, I wish to bake the first loaf. You get busy unexpectedly and need to stop feeding it daily. The very short answer is, your sourdough starter generally will be at its peak anything between 4 and 12 hours after feeding. If you get a great first rise from your dough, but your second Rise at 45 minutes has not risen very much at all, do you just keep waiting until the second rise actually rises? For now just change one thing, take the water down to a manageable level, and work your way up only when and if you feel comfortable! Well, remember, the marvelous thing about SD is that, unlike breads made with "store bought" yeast, its a "slow" process: i.e. The way I manage my starter is to use, feed, use, feed, sleep, repeat. I will continue to battle on but I would appreciate any advice as how to make the dough more manageable. We could easily be talking about drastically different ingredients and recipes and that too would account for the differences we are experiencing. Check your weight (without seeds, salt or any additions) only flour. It makes for a moister bread and fermentation happens faster in a more liquid environment but... it's completely pointless if you are unable to handle the wet dough! 15g starter … After feeding, the bubbles within the starter will raise the level of the starter, and as the number of bubbles increase, so will the level of the starter in the jar. Should I use the starter just after feeding it ? I suspect ambient temperature may play a signficant role,  in our differences, as I usually teach classes in the  cold Winter months and I am guessing that you are dealing with much warmer temperatures. Probably not… Oil used in kneading and in the bowl as your dough rests is there to stop things getting too sticky. Is your starter made out of wholemeal rye like mine? Sticky dough is a thing to get used to I think is the easy answer, it's all about how you handle it with practice. What Feeding a Sourdough Starter without Having to Discard Looks Like for Me. Feed starter with flour and water: If using a scale to measure ingredients, combine equal amounts by weight of starter, water, and flour. To check, I wish to bake the first loaf. Learn more about Bake with Jack's favourite products. 15:00 Preheat oven . (I am feeding it once a day in the evening around 8:00 pm - 0.5 oz starter + 2 0z water + 2 0z flour - it doubles in about less than 8 hours). It’s an alternative to “kneading on a floured surface” (which I don’t do either by the way) in order for your dough to remain manageable and non-stick. I use 1kg oval banneton baskets, the dough for a sourdough loaf from my recipe will weigh around 850-880g for a loaf annd will fit just right. Feed the starter as described in steps 1 & 2 (see note). Get those down and you are 80% to making great loaves. Once it is doubling in that 4-6 hour mark after feeding, you can move into maintenance and start baking with it. I always start everything at room temperature and rest it at room temperature for consistent rise. Mix for a minute or so to make sure everything is … You will be surprised with the difference it makes! When your starter is bubbling andincreasing in volume its ready to bake bread with. Theoretically the more steam in your oven, the hotter you can bake your bread for longer without it burning. No other “baker” does that whether in print or internet ” — Paul. 16:40 Take out from the oven and cool. Content posted by community members is their own. Keeping the outside of the loaf softer for longer and allows the dough to puff up for higher during the initial part of the bake before the crust sets it’s shape. 15:00 Preheat oven . To bake with starter, you’ll want it to be active. - and... is one of the great things about the TFL site. Get the Bake with Jack Home Baker's Bulletin in your inbox every Thursday, packed with all my content from the week. Not sour enough: Use un-fed starter. BAKER: If you want to be baking regularly, you should feed your starter every day. If you only bake once a week then feed your starter again so it has a supply of food then return it to the fridge after a few hours. So next time try more steam and a higher temperature for longer, or increasing the baking time altogether as long as the loaf isn't to dark, and if all else fails, cool the loaf, spritz it all over with water and return to a hot oven for 12-15 minutes for a crust that will stay. To begin your starter, mix 50g flour with 50g tepid water in a jar or, better still, a … You now have 9 oz of starter. Shop. Adding oil to a recipe will affect the final bread, but unless you are using a LOT of oil then I don’t think it will. Perhaps a metaphor for ourselves in times of crisis, starters are how bread was born some 10,000 years ago. Yesterday was baking day. 5)  As far as what recipe to use, I strongly suggest you choose one simple recipe, and make it over and over again until you get the hang of making SD breads. Leave the 3 oz starter at room temperature for 12-24 hours. Useful Video: Bread Tip 72 - The Room Temperature Water Rule, and The EXCEPTION, Be the first to know about new courses, workshop dates and special offers in the monthly Bake with Jack Newsletter and get all my content from the week for FREE in your weekly Home Baker’s Bulletin, Bread Tip 101 - Beginners Sourdough Loaf, Start to Finish. Hi Jeff,  Gotta most respectfully disagree. Bake bread, of course! 15g starter : 50:50 flour/water. Reply CH April 16, 2020 at 9:46 pm. “ Well Jack, after 20 years or so baking you have inspired me to take home bread to a new level because you talk about all the things that go through my mind. One or two feedings is all it needs. The process is very similar to feeding a starter to keep it active, except that it requires two separate feedings. That is what I have been doing lately, as in reading too much in order to prepare myself. To feed your sourdough starter, firstly use a clean utensil to remove all but 125 g of the sourdough starter from the jar. If you're using a stiffer starter then it will act a bit differently (stiff starters have "peaked" - aka are "ripe" - just at the point they have reached their maximum increase in volume and may not actually collapse the way looser/wetter starters do). Yes they are liquids but they don’t make up part of the “liquid” element in the recipe. Sourdough Starter for the Baking Skeptic. If it came up the first time it’ll come up again the second time! Saturday. This does solve my primary question. This is called feeding a starter to expand it for bread baking. the fermentation process (and thus leavening/rising) with"wild" yeasts occurs more slowly - primarily as a result of the lower yeast counts in homemade "wild yeast" starters vs. active/dry commercial yeasts you buy at the store. Find a clean jar (or a plastic container would work if you don’t have one) and leave plenty of space for your starter to grow. Not because it is bad, but because it is less active. You are going away on a short break and will return to baking once back. 08:00 Remove starter from the fridge. Feed the remaining to bring back to 12 oz. The best way to determine a feeding schedule is to work backwards from when you want to make bread. May be a silly question, but I am interested in making a different loaf than a normal tin, or plain loaf. There are two ways to slash... before proof or after... You can slash comfortably before, then puff the dough to the max and bake it when it’s delicate. 140 grams ÷ 540 grams = 25.9% The more starter you add the faster the new sugars will be consumed. of SD bread comes from lactobacilli and acetic acids, which take hours (not minutes) to develop and, generally speaking, develop more fully the longer the fermentation process takes. Storing Sourdough Starter in the Freezer An experienced baker can use various starters, at various times, in a variety of conditions to produce very different results. And the same goes if you start with warm water. Thank you ! Nov 19, 2020 Bread tip … My question is about the flour you use for your bread making, I am using Allinson strong white bread flour and when you are dusting the table to shape, your flour appears more dusty for want of a better description. If you are lightly greasing, then it should be ok. Also, what is the purpose of putting the tray of water in the oven? A healthy, mature starter should be bubbly and double in 8 hours. 20:00 Feed starter . I feel like I should add a bit more flour so the dough is not quite as wet, so I can give it the tension it needs when I shape it, or do I need to get the moisture right from the start? Is that where I am going wrong? When you feed up your starter you can let it puff up and stash it in the fridge to build acidity overnight to make dough in the morning, AND also I've found that if you use LESS starter in the loaf (say 25g) and let it ferment for AGES longer it develops flavour more slowly and more acidity too. In my own baking, I aim for a process from start to finish that takes 16 plus hours. Storage of a few weeks to a few months. When you're ready to bake with your starter, you'll need to take it out 2 days before baking and grow the starter with the following steps. So I have stopped doing it. Useful videos: Bread Tip 43 - What is a Bakers Percentage? 08:00 Remove starter from the fridge. Your bread's abilitiy to hold onto it's crunchy crust is down to how well your oven holds the steam during baking. Measure the amount of fresh starter you have in the container. Yes, it will still change the recipe but in a much more controllable way. You bake once every couple of weeks, once a month, or once every 2 months. Spread it out to dry. Will be careful and use the young starter. Is it OK to add flour when I first mix the dough to get it to the right moisture level and consistency? I believe so! To feed it, bring it to room temperature, add the flour and water and then leave it out for 30 minutes to one hour before placing it back in the fridge. That's the true test. It was the easiest loaf I've ever baked. Personally I prefer the process with a wetter dough. As for when to use the starter itself, I like to feed mine about 12 hours before usage, not so much for flavour, but I will know for sure that my starter is done chowing down and is ready to bake bread. Shop recommended products from Bake with Jack on Most of my bulk fermentation times are in the 2 - 3  1/2 hour range but I do make a Vollkornbrot that has a bulk time fo 20 minutes. 22:00 Place starter in the fridge. or just before when it requires a feed ? When you feed up your starter you can let it puff up and stash it in the fridge to build acidity overnight to make dough in the morning, AND also I've found that if you use LESS starter in the loaf (say 25g) and let it ferment for AGES longer it develops flavour more slowly and more acidity too. The Fresh Loaf is not responsible for community member content. Let it rest, covered, until it becomes very bubbly and healthy looking. I use steam at the beginning of baking because I am trying to stop a dry crust forming in those beginning stages. If using measuring cups, combine 1 part sourdough starter, 1 part water, and a little less than 2 parts flour. Where's the oil for the containter. Also, steam is there to allow us to bake on a higher temperature for longer without the loaf taking on too much colour. I watched your sourdough 101 video and learned so much. Thank you once again. Storage of a few weeks to a few months. Donations . I have found that if I’ve fed my starter and it’s only been in the fridge for a day or two I can go ahead and use it for a sourdough recipe without feeding first. Hi,I'm baking bread for about a year from Biga and Poolish, and now i want to start sourdough. Yeah... SD starter strength heavily impacts fermentation, but so do time and temperature (even more, in my humble experience). This is a sign that your starter has fermented and is ready for a feed. However, if you are preparing to bake with your starter, once it is active and bubbly for 3 consecutive feedings, you no longer need to discard any starter. Why does home baked bread tend to dried out a lot quicker than store bought bread? Does the type of yeast I use, fresh or dry, make the final bread taste any different? 09:50 Add the salt and knead. 68: How to make a Sourdough Starter - Bake with Jack - YouTube The beauty of this slower fermentation is that it allows for much fuller flavors to be developed as a result of the longer fermentation/rising times, during both the first or "bulk" fermentation/rising, and the 2nd or "proof" fermentation/rising - which occurs after the loaves are shaped. Log in or register to post comments; Sourdoughsmitten. & Bread Tip 89 - DO NOT "Knead on a Floured Surface!". The longer it’s unfed ( within the 7 days) the more sour it will be; Many people accidentally mismeasure the flour because they forget to “zero out” the weight of the bowl or measuring cup on the scale! I will keep asking questions till i get my bread right. For example, if you use a 1:1:1 ratio for your feeding, and you feed 20 grams of starter you’ll have 60 grams after the first feeding; 180 after the second; and 360 after the third, and so forth. I have baked many loaves virtually within the realms of my mind - the question is about bread baking in real :-) hope will be able to let down my guard soon. Also, sounds like the lack of oven spring is BECAUSE you are letting it rise in the basket. I have been reading many of the blogs here since last few months and kind of preparing myself for the bake but its only when you actually start that basic questions as this pop up. Only thing is a thick skin starts to form on the top - but it doesn't fall. the suggested times for each - in a variety of different SD recipes. eating) flour and the byproducts of flour yeilded by the yeasts "digestion" of the flour, and the yeast is giving off CO2 gas which is the actual leavener of your bread. What Feeding a Sourdough Starter without Having to Discard Looks Like for Me. Then add some water for the next time, perhaps 20 grams or so to start with. Sign Up. This means that I carefully control the strength  and amount of the starter, the temperature at mixing and then the cold retardation temperature. I'd love to hear how others manage feeding/baking schedules! If not, give another feed and wait until tomorrow. I guess it’s absorbing moisture but not convinced that’s all there is too it. The dough is also so sticky when shaping that even with flour on the bottom I can't stitch my dough together nicely. I feel like the answer could be a few of things. With a few feeds, your starter will be back in action: bubbly, happy, and ready for your next baking adventure. 3)  Okay.. so why would you not want to use a starter when its at it's peak and thus has maximum leavening power for your bread? Was chagrined to discover the primary culprit was simple overproofing - despite bulk and proof times as low as 1/4 (yeah one fourth!) I find it’s also very floppy and difficult to shape. So delicious. Hi :-)My new starter of 15 days seems to be ready. And if you keep doing it, batch after batch, the flavour, texture, character of your bread will continue to improve time after time. Once the starter is established, it will pretty much last forever in your fridge. You will be amazed at how easy it is to take more time than you realize (we all do when first starting out as we are not yet organized... Where is that pan? Thank you Jeff ! My loaves are the weirdest looking specimens ever! Leave the 3 oz starter at room temperature for 12-24 hours. Dough rises faster in the warmth, and so bringing it away from a warm place will always mean the second proof will be slower because of the drop in temperature. 1)  Everyone says "always use starter at the point it peaks" or soon before/after - say within 20-30 minutes or so of peaking - so it will have maximum leavening power. I let the loafs ferment for 2 days. To feed your sourdough starter, firstly use a clean utensil to remove all but 125 g of the sourdough starter from the jar. Will update as I gather the courage to actually dive in and bake my first loaf. Puffy, a good shape, and above all Practical. You can find lots of recipes online for using discarded starter. I am looking around for an easy beginners loaf to start with. Bread Tip 89 - DO NOT "Knead on a Floured Surface! My dough is wet and sticky too, but because of the way I handle it lightly and nimbly, it minimises sticking to things which comes with practice. There is no point making a wet dough to get a specific texture of bread, and then adding flour to make the consistency manageable, because then it's not a wet dough anymore and you lose the characteristics. 09:50 Add the salt and knead. If it is made of a flour that is NOT wholemeal, then that’ll make a difference too, your dough will be slacker. Then, instead of adding flour, remove some of the moisture from the recipe to make it the manageable dough that you are comfortable handling. I left the baby starter out during five warm days, then put it in the fridge for five more. How does that work and should that be something I need to be doing? Contribute. One thing worth a mention is your flour. If your dough is collapsing, then you are probably sashing too late on in the proof stage when it’s too fragile. BUT... remember, your starter is living organism - bacteria and yeast, in simplest terms, are living on (i.e. I got this (again) in the face after moving here to Indonesia and blithely assuming my past experience would allow me to immediately begin baking great SD. I am looking around for an easy beginners loaf to start with. For example, if you want to bake bread on Tuesday morning, give the starter the first feeding … Quite anxious and want things to work. I would very much appreciate some input to improve the taste. or when it has peaked and ripe after a feed ? You get busy unexpectedly and need to stop feeding it daily. 2)  So... why do you NOT have to use at the point its peaked? That makes a crust that stays put! (Simply could not comprehend then that a 35 (+) minute bulk and/or 2nd ferment could overproof a recipe that called for 2 to 2 1/2 hours each - i.e. Move into maintenance and start baking with Gina ; - ) Lee, you ’ need... 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