December 23, 2020

mesophyll and bundle sheath cells of c4 plants have

2017 Jan;40(1):80-94. doi: 10.1111/pce.12834. Previously it was reported that water stress induced centripetal re-arrangement of M chloroplasts in leaves of the C4 plant, maize (Lal and Edwards 1996) and the C4 Crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) cycling plant, Portulaca grandiflora (Guralnick et al. The authors presumed a relationship of the co-localization with their mutual metabolic interactions. 8B). In C4 plants, the bundle sheath cells contain chloroplasts. Epub 2016 Oct 7. Moreover, growth conditions might be another factor to yield the differential light responsiveness. C4 plants is partitioned over two different cell types, the mesophyll and bundle-sheath cells. These chloroplast photo-relocation movements are widely observed in a variety of plant species, from green algae to seed plants, although little attention has been given to C4 plants. Indeed, the field-growing plants that we measured showed severe photoinhibition at mid-day. In leaf epidermal cells of the aquatic angiosperm Vallisneria gigantea, about half the chloroplasts move out of the area irradiated with high intensity blue light within the first 15 min of irradiation, and the percentage increases to 80% after 30 min (Sakurai et al. 2018 Jun 19;69(14):3321-3331. doi: 10.1093/jxb/ery064. When the water potential was between –0.53 and –0.15 MPa, chloroplast movement was observed in some sections but not in others. The orientation movement of M chloroplasts was also observed under natural growing conditions with high sunlight, salinity or drought stress. C4photosynthesis is characterized by a CO2-concentrating mechanism between mesophyll (M) and bundle sheath (BS) cells of leaves. 2003). Scale bars = 50 μm. Plasmodesmata are critical for dual-cell C4 photosynthesis in maize because plasmodesmata at the mesophyll and bundle sheath interface mediate exchange of … 6, 7). 4C). 2009). 1). 3C, D). The high light-induced movement of M chloroplasts was also observed in maize (Zea mays), another C4 species, but with a distinct pattern of redistribution along the sides of anticlinal walls, analogous to C3 plants. When the incubation with ABA was conducted in the dark, the chloroplast movement did not occur (data not shown). The movement is light dependent, and evidence is provided that it is mediated by ABA. Almost all of the M chloroplasts were distributed towards the BS cells (Fig. Plant Cell Environ. The experiments with field-growing plants were conducted in August 2008 at the University Farm of Nagoya University. Clumping of chloroplasts in response to water stress was first found in cortical cells of P. grandiflora stems (Guralnick et al. B and D are merged images of the bright-field and fluorescence images. Indeed, the chloroplast avoidance response in A. thaliana leaves results in a smaller chloroplast surface area adjacent to intercellular airspaces and decreases internal conductance to CO2 diffusion (Tholen et al. C4 plants possess two CO2 acceptors (primary acceptor and secondary acceptor). However, the incubation of leaf segments of finger millet with various concentrations of hydrogen peroxide had no effect on the intracellular arrangement of chloroplasts. Both cell types are arranged into a specialized Kranz-type leaf anatomy: BS cells surround the vascular tissues while M cells encircle the cylinders of the BS cells. All BS mitochondria were dominantly located close to vascular bundles but M mitochondria were randomly distributed in the cells. M chloroplasts and cytosol might move towards the BS to refix CO2 released from BS cells more efficiently. For permissions, please email:, The Mechanism of Non-photochemical Quenching in Plants: Localisation and Driving Forces, Overexpression and inhibition of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA synthase affect central metabolic pathways in tobacco, Buckwheat FeNramp5 mediates high Mn uptake in roots, Cadmium inhibits lateral root emergence in rice by disrupting OsPIN-mediated auxin distribution and the protective effect of OsHMA3, About the Japanese Society of Plant Physiologists, Receive exclusive offers and updates from Oxford Academic, Copyright © 2020 Japanese Society of Plant Physiologists. 2003, Yamane et al. Previously, we found that salinity-induced damage in M chloroplasts of maize and rice is light dependent, and not due to direct effects of excessive accumulation of sodium in the leaf tissues (Mitsuya et al. In our experiments, most M chloroplasts in finger millet leaves moved towards the BS, but some M chloroplasts remained scattered around the opposite side. BS cells surround the vascular tis- sues, while M cells encircle the cylinders of the BS cells (Fig. Scale bars = 50 μm. Another possible role of C4 M chloroplast movement is maintenance of photosynthetic activity under stress conditions. Intracellular localization of certain photosynthetic enzymes in bundle sheath cells of plants possessing the C4 pathway of photosynthesis. (A) Control; (B) drought stress. Because M chloroplast movement occurred in the leaf segments irradiated with high intensity light (Fig. We further observed the intracellular arrangement of mitochondria (Fig. Actin–organelle interaction: association with chloroplast in. The actomyosin system is necessary for arrangement of both chloroplasts during cell maturation and rearrangement of chloroplasts after disturbance by centrifugal force (Miyake and Nakamura 1993, Kobayashi et al. C4 photosynthesis is characterized by a CO2-concentrating mechanism between mesophyll (M) and bundle sheath (BS) cells of leaves. Transverse sections were observed with the light microscope before (A and B) and after 0.5 (C and D), 1 (E and F), 2 (G and H) and 3 h (I and J) of illumination. S4). We also investigated the time course of M chloroplast movement in response to strong light irradiation. Moreover, the distribution of antioxidant enzymes is reported to be different between M and BS cells in maize (Doulis et al. COVID-19 is an emerging, rapidly evolving situation. In higher plants, the leaf organ develops from a leaf pri-mordia consisting of three transcriptionally distinct cell lay-ers which give rise to the epidermis, vasculature, and internal parenchymatous tissue (Barton, 2010). Three- to four-week-old plants were exposed to drought stress by withholding water supply until the appearance of the first sign of wilting. At night-time, M chloroplasts of both plants returned to comparatively random positions along the plasma membranes (Fig. The involvement of actin filaments as a track in chloroplast photo- relocation movement has been confirmed in several C3 plant species by pharmacological studies (Wada et al. 4B). Just as the M and BS chloroplasts are structurally and functionally differentiated, so their intracellular orientation is also different: M chloroplasts of all C4 species are randomly distributed along the cell walls, while BS chloroplasts are typically located in the centripetal position (close to the vascular tissue, as in finger millet) or the centrifugal position (close to M cells, as in maize). They are composed of sectors of cells having identical genetic composition. In each panel, the upper side of the leaf sections is the adaxial side. (A) Control; (B) salinity stress; (C) high osmotic stress. To examine whether light irradiation is necessary for the chloroplast movement in response to environmental stresses, finger millet was subjected to drought or salinity stress under dark conditions. Schrader LE, Cataldo DA, Peterson DM. A fiber illuminator with white light was used to illuminate leaf blades attached to plants, at light intensities of 250, 2,000, 3,000 or 4,000 μmol quanta m−2 s−1 for 2 h (Fig. 5B). 2009), but the molecular mechanism is obscure at present. Arias-Moreno DM, Jiménez-Bremont JF, Maruri-López I, Delgado-Sánchez P. Sci Rep. 2017 Aug 17;7(1):8656. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-08744-x. After washing with PME buffer for 10 min twice, the sections were imaged with a confocal laser scanning microscope (LSM5 PASCAL, Carl Zeiss, Germany). 5). Finger millet growing under the normal light condition (500 μmol m−2 s−1 during the light period) was exposed to drought stress by withholding the water supply. The field-grown plants can be subject to other stresses in addition to high intensity light. These findings suggest that M and BS cells in C4 plants have different systems for chloroplast positioning; an M cell-specific system for dispersing chloroplasts and a BS cell-specific system for holding chloroplasts in the centripetal or centrifugal disposition. Effect of cytochalasin B on the intracellular arrangement of chloroplasts in response to light irradiation. The intracellular orientation of BS chloroplasts is thought to have physiological significance. Maize chloroplasts in M cells that were located at the adaxial or abaxial side migrated towards the BS cells, similarly to drought stress (Fig. Attempts to characterize the relationship between chloroplast disposition and photosynthetic parameters are currently in progress to determine whether C4 plants adapt to refix released CO2 under environmental stress conditions which lead to stomatal closure. The leaf surface at that time was exposed to a light intensity of about 1,800 μmol m−2 s−1, which was not high enough to induce chloroplast movement in the laboratory. For mitochondrial staining, non-fixed leaf segments from the salinity-stressed plants were tucked into carrot blocks and sectioned with a microslicer. 2008). Regulation of photosynthesis and antioxidant metabolism in maize leaves at optimal and chilling temperatures: review. Incubation with other plant hormones (IAA, 2,4-D, GA3 and kinetin) in the light had no effect on the intracellular positioning of chloroplasts (data not shown). 6). Moreover, leakiness of CO2 from BS cells is increased in stressed C4 plants (Ghannoum 2009). Cytological evidence of BSD2 functioning in both chloroplast division and dimorphic chloroplast formation in maize leaves. Differential positioning of C4 mesophyll and bundle sheath chloroplasts: aggregative movement of C4 mesophyll chloroplasts in response to environmental stresses. 8C, D). The C4 dicarboxylate cycle of photosynthetic carbon assimilation is distributed between the two cell types and acts as a CO2 pump to concentrate CO2 in the BS chloroplasts (Hatch 1999, Kanai and Edwards 1999). Only the M chloroplasts in finger millet and maize showed the aggregative movement. While both the nuclear and chloroplast photo-relocation movements share photoreceptors and cytoskeletons, some components involved in the moving machinery are thought to be specific to each organelle (Iwabuchi et al. In this mini-review, we highlight the cell-specific disposition of chloroplasts in C4 plants and discuss the possible physiological significances. 9A, B). M and BS cells have well developed and numerous chloroplasts. This strong light irradiance induced strong photoinhibition, because the PSII maximum quantum yield (Fv/Fm) of finger millet leaf blades declined from 0.8 to near 0.5 after 2 h of the strong light (4,000 μmol m−2 s−1) treatment. 2006, Omoto et al. Differential localization of antioxidants in maize leaves. 5B), symptoms of photoinhibition were not observed. Most M chloroplasts in finger millet moved toward the BS, unlike C3 chloroplasts that migrate to the cell walls parallel to strong light. C 4 plants have two types of photosynthetic cells: mesophyll and bundle sheath cells. Plants were fertilized regularly with Arnon and Hoagland solution (Arnon and Hoagland 1940) during growth. C3 plants have high transpiration ratio : water loss/CO2 uptake 3. B and D are magnified images. Chloroplast photorelocation movement is extensively studied in C3 but not C4 plants. ? Transverse sections were observed with the light microscope. We also confirmed that blue light could induce the centripetal positioning of M chloroplasts but the extent of localization was not prominent (data not shown). The middle regions of the fourth leaf blades from plants of about 4 weeks old were normally used for experiments. In this study, we found that M chloroplasts of C4 plants showed aggregative movement in response to strong light. 2003, Sato and Kadota 2007). 3A, B). Although plants were well watered, a high transpiration rate may nonetheless cause low leaf water potential (Hirasawa and Hsiao 1999). In contrast, the extent of chloroplast movement was low after 30 min of high intensity light irradiation (Fig. Actin-based photo-orientation movement of chloroplasts in plant cells. Light-dependent intracellular positioning of mitochondria in, Blue light-dependent nuclear positioning in. 2009). 8A). 2004). and EowARDS, 1973 a, b, c). Scale bars = 50 μm. M cells in leaf blades of finger millet, an NAD-ME type C4 plant, have a great number of chloroplasts dispersed randomly along the cell walls, while BS cells have larger chloroplasts that are located in the centripetal position. For microscopic observation of semi-thin sections, leaf segments were fixed as previously reported (Omoto et al. Epub 2009 Jan 21. Yamada M, Kawasaki M, Sugiyama T, Miyake H, Taniguchi M. Plant Cell Physiol. We investigated the relationship between M chloroplast movement and water potential in leaf blades of finger millet after disruption of the water supply (Fig. J Plant Res. Autofluorescence of chloroplasts was excited with the 543 nm wavelength of a HeNe laser and imaged using an LP560 longpass filter. Treatment of finger millet with cytochalasin B showed a prominent inhibitory effect on the strong light-dependent movement of M chloroplasts, in contrast to treatment with dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) as a control (Fig. Finger millet was supplied with 3% NaCl or 20% polyethylene glycol solution to produce salinity and high osmotic stress, respectively, for 5 d in normal intensity light (500 μmol m−2 s−1 during the light period), and transverse sections of leaf blades were examined. 1975 Nov; 171 (1):214–225. M chloroplasts were distributed toward BS cells but not along the cell walls directly attached to BS cells. This re-arrangement pattern was obviously different from the pattern observed in finger millet in which M chloroplasts mainly migrated towards the BS side and formed a partial ring around a cylinder of BS cells. Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. Inoue and Shibata did not report the precise migration pattern of chloroplasts, and the wavelength dependency of the aggregative movement remains to be investigated. C4 plants have better robustness no matter the objective function is biomass synthesis or CO 2 fixation. Transverse sections were observed with a light microscope (BX51, Olympus, Tokyo, Japan) equipped with a CCD camera (DP70, Olympus). However, particular behavior of the chloroplasts was not described. Rhodamine 123 was excited with the 488 nm wavelength of an ArKr laser and the images were collected using a BP505–530 bandpass filter. Yukijirushi) and maize (Zea mays L. cv. The development and functions of plasmodesmata are controlled by multiple intra- and intercellular signaling pathways. 2005, Morales et al. Which of the following statements about bulliform cells is FALSE? These bundle sheaths have the chloroplasts arranged centrifugally with the large starch granules and unstacked thylakoid membranes. Thus, reactive oxygen species are another potential trigger for chloroplast movement. The intracellular arrangement of BS chloroplasts is acquired during cell maturation (Miyake and Yamamoto 1987). Recently, blue light-induced co-localization of mitochondria with chloroplasts was shown in Arabidopsis palisade M cells (Islam et al. Mitochondria (yellow) and chloroplasts (red) were imaged using confocal laser scanning microscopy. 1997, Foyer et al. After floating on the same solution for 2 h, the leaf segments were exposed to normal (250 μmol m−2 s−1) or high light (4,000 μmol m−2 s−1) for 2 h. Then, the leaf segments were fixed and transverse sections were observed with a light microscope. The chloroplast avoidance response decreases internal conductance to CO, Phototropins and neochrome1 mediate nuclear movement in the fern, Hydrogen peroxide is involved in high blue light-induced chloroplast avoidance movements in. The C 4 plants often possess a characteristic leaf anatomy called kranz anatomy, from the German word for wreath.Their vascular bundles are surrounded by two rings of cells; the inner ring, called bundle sheath cells, contains starch-rich chloroplasts lacking grana, which differ from those in mesophyll cells present as the outer ring. In contrast, the centripetal arrangement of BS chloroplasts was unchanged, even though they appeared to swell slightly after strong light illumination and the degree of chloroplast association was marginally reduced. A change in the intracellular disposition of C4 chloroplasts in response to environmental stresses other than light was initially reported by Lal and Edwards (1996). Semi-thin sections (1 μm thickness) were cut with glass knives on an ultramicrotome. Under the salinity stress that caused aggregative movement of M chloroplasts (Fig. 2003, Hasan et al. 2009). in vasculature or bundle sheath (BS) cells rather than the mes-ophyll (M) cells where the mutant phenotype is manifested. 8B), similar to the observation of Lal and Edwards (1996) under drought stress. 2008). In the bundle sheath cells ribulose-1,5-bis-phosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) enzyme accumulates extensively. Plant Physiol. After incubation at 4°C overnight, the fixed segments were embedded in 5% (w/v) agar and sectioned at 70–80 μm with a micro-slicer (DTK-3000W, Dosaka EM, Kyoto, Japan). function ofC4 photosynthesis is to concentrate CO2 in bundle sheath cells (1, 17, 18). Chloroplasts can change their intracellular positions to optimize photosynthetic activity and/or to reduce photodamage in response to light irradiation (Takagi 2003, Wada et al. This anatomical pattern consists of a radial arrangement of chloren- chyma around vascular bundles. In maize leaves irradiated by high intensity light, M chloroplasts were distributed along the sides of the anticlinal walls (Fig. Carbonic anhydrase was also localized in meso-phyll cell extracts. 2007). and bundle sheath cells of C 4 plants Ismail Turkan1,*, Baris Uzilday 1, ... amino-group imbalance between mesophyll and bundle sheath cells, which may have prompted the evolution of the C 4 cycle (Rawsthorne et al., 1988Mallmann ; et al., 2014Bräutigam ; and Gowik, 2016). cv. The effect of drought stress on chloroplast position in Amaranthus cruentus, a dicot NAD-ME type C4 plant, is not as pronounced as for maize. Then, the leaf segments were irradiated for 2 h with normal intensity (250 μmol m−2 s−1) or high intensity (4,000 μmol m−2 s−1) light, and transverse sections were examined. The extent of chloroplast avoidance movement in A. thaliana increases in response to the intensity of white light and reaches a maximum at about 500 μmol m−2 s−1 (Kasahara et al. So who is right? Change in the intracellular arrangement of chloroplasts in response to salinity or high osmotic stress. National Center for Biotechnology Information, Unable to load your collection due to an error, Unable to load your delegates due to an error, The intracellular arrangement of chloroplasts in finger millet (. Maize is an NADP-ME type C4 plant. We examined the impact of other environmental stresses on the intracellular disposition of chloroplasts under normal intensity light. To investigate the possibility of the involvement of ABA in the chloroplast movement in response to environmental stresses, we allowed leaf segments from non-stressed finger millet to absorb ABA during incubation for 16 h under low intensity light. Scale bars = 50 μm. Chloroplast movements in response to environmental signals. Plants displaying C4 photosynthesis' generally have a specific anatomical leaf structure known as Kranz anatomy (9). (2004) showed that chloroplasts in a variety of succulent CAM plants become densely clumped under combined light and water stress. 2005). 2003, Sato and Kadota 2007). C4 plants generally adapt to high intensity light and, therefore, C4 photosynthetic cells might not be as susceptible to light-inducing stresses in comparison with C3 M cells. Various concentrations of NaCl (0.3–3%) and H2O2 (1–100 mM) also had no effect (data not shown). Although the degree of PSII photoinhibition by high intensity light is similar between M and BS thylakoids of maize (Pokorska and Romanowska 2007), M chloroplasts are more sensitive to the damaging effect of salinity than are BS chloroplasts (Hasan et al. In C4 cycle, the atmospheric CO2 is first accepted by PEP in the cytoplasm of the mesophyll cells and converted to OAA with the help of the enzyme PEP carboxylase. Compared with the NAD-ME type finger millet, maize has more numerous M chloroplasts, while its BS chloroplasts are smaller and located in the centrifugal position (Fig. Whole leaf extracts were obtained by grinding leaf segments with a mortar and filtering the homogenate through a 44 p,m nylon net. A fiber illuminator illuminated the middle regions of the fourth leaf blades with a halogen lamp (MHF-150L, Moritex, Tokyo, Japan or PICL-NEX, Nippon P-I Co. Ltd., Tokyo, Japan) at a distance of 2.5 cm. Even though M chloroplasts show aggregative movement in response to salinity stress, nuclei and mitochondria did not change their positions (Figs. Photosynthetic and anatomical characteristics in the C, Differential sensitivity of chloroplasts in mesophyll and bundle sheath cells in maize, an NADP-malic enzyme-type C, Occurrence of the suberized lamella in leaves of grasses of different photosynthetic types.I. C4 plants attain higher rates of photosynthesis in full sunlight and are also more efficient in water use compared with C3 plants (Hatch 1992). These unique arrangements of C4 chloroplasts are thought to be caused by the cytoskeletal network and vacuolar pressure (Kobayashi et al. The photosynthetic photon flux density at the leaf surface was checked with a quantum meter (LI-250, LI-COR, Lincoln, NE, USA). Epub 2011 Feb 21. These abiotic stresses are thought to reduce the threshold intensity of light at which aggregative movement of M chloroplasts occurs. 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