December 23, 2020

unable to locate package htop

sudo dig @ If You Appreciate What We Do Here On TecMint, You Should Consider: TecMint is the fastest growing and most trusted community site for any … 15 ways to make money coding Python | Make money with Python, Error in installing Scrapy and Twisted » Instant Solution for Scrapy failed building wheel for Twisted, Paste the below repository code at the top. Looks like you just haven't updated your package lists, this is missing from the link that you gave - sudo apt-get update This should download the list files from the repos in /etc/apt/sources.list so that apt-get install knows what packages to look for.. My CPU is never at 100% on any core when screen sharing so it … While I was trying to install the gedit app in Kali Linux through this code: I have presented two solutions for you to fix the problem of E: “Unable to Locate Package” Error in Kali Linux. report. To update sources from https url apt-transport-https package should already exists. best. And I thought why not share this collected info to you. “Unable to locate package sudo” when i try to install sudo on new Debian. The command that I run is: sudo docker build … Let’s fix unable to locate package update in Kali Linux correctly. E: Unable to locate package python-pip E: Package ‘python-dev’ has no installation candidate Search for the package you wish to install. There is no linux kernel image in WSL. Unable to install binary for kodi I tried to use apt-get to install openssh-server and rcs, got message "Unable to locate package". Display the exponent from a binary floating point number as a decimal value In 19th century France, were police able to send people to jail without a … The solutions of “Unable to Locate Package” is categorized and explained below: Copy the below code and update the apt installer: And simply install your package after being updated. level 1. Paste the below repository code at the top sources.list. Here is the output of ps aux | grep systemd. The Ubuntu package linux-image-extra-4.4.0-43-Microsoft does not exist, natch. There is no linux kernel image in WSL. To make sure a package is actually in the package system you can use apt search or for a simpler output apt-cache search . $ apt-get -y install screen vim nano mc vfu bash-completion htop curl wget multitail git util-linux bzip2 zip unzip xz-utils software-properties-common man-db whiptail acl usbutils dirmngr arping Reading package … This should be the first thing to check. We are aware of an issue affecting users where they are unable to boot after installing WSL 2. Raspberry Pi. 4 comments. Why I removed GNOME and started using XFCE4? This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source However the following packages replace it: python-dev-is-python3. There is no linux kernel image in WSL. Also, run apt-cache search htop then apt-cache search python-software-properties and post the results. Plaix Plaix. Can someone help me to install them? Installing OpenHAB2 on Raspberry Pi : Please keep an eye out as we add more connect to our YouTube channels as well as here at Instructables.John's DIY Playground at YouTubeMy YouTube ChannelopenHAB CommunityThis is an adaptation from the site … I get unable to locate package unifi. 5. Once you have the files copied in the correct directory, go inside it and open metadata.json file. I really love web and android development. The single most common causes of a broken Kali Linux installation are following unofficial advice, and particularly arbitrarily populating the system’s sources.List file with unofficial repositories. Also #85 , #2114 , and user voice here . Unable to install binary for kodi Note also that you should do this regularly as the repository will change over time. Thanks, love the subreddit! In this example, the dnsutils utility is added to EdgeOS. apt software-sources windows-subsystem-for-linux. This can result into error like “ E: unable to locate package package-name ”. What I did was install the apt-fast package and use it to install my packages instead of apt. There is no linux kernel image in WSL. The compiler is looking for the library headers, and those aren't provided by the standard package. share. 1. Now, you should try to reinstall the package again. 1. i installed a new Debian on a small VPS and now when i try to install sudo i just get this message. Looks like you just haven't updated your package lists, this is missing from the link that you gave - sudo apt-get update This should download the list files from the repos in /etc/apt/sources.list so that apt-get install knows what packages to look for. The login page will open in a new tab. ... ~/Downloads$ sudo apt-get install htop Reading package lists… Done Building dependency tree Reading state information… Done E: Unable to locate package network-manager E: Unable to locate package cron E: Unable to locate package lsof E: Unable to locate package htop E: Unable to locate package vim E: Unable to locate package mmc-utils E: Package 'python3-apt' has no installation candidate E: Unable to locate package … The Ubuntu package linux-image-extra-4.4.0-43-Microsoft does not exist, natch. 1. To update sources from https url apt-transport-https package should already exists. ... debian install package bittwist. Obviously these packages have to exist, I have other ubuntu boxes that have these installed. This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or. Here is the Dockerfile: FROM debian:latest MAINTAINER RUN apt-get update RUN apt-get install -y htop RUN apt-get clean. asked Feb 5 '13 at 20:43. Install the package. Using it is exactly the same as apt: Unable to locate package apt-get install rcs, openssh-server, etc. Please view this Github issue to see the latest updates on this issue. Install the package. Page 2-Discuss anything related to Clash of Clans that doesn't fit in another sub-forum here! If I open htop in a terminal on my second screen, I can see that usually xorg is running at maybe 50% CPU so maybe that's the cause (or part of it), but that isn't a full CPU core if I understand htop's default way of measuring CPU load. "Please accept my resignation. Search for the package you wish to install. 739 3 3 gold badges 7 7 silver badges 19 19 bronze badges. And when I reinstalled it I got an error Unable to Locate Package, I browsed over numerous blogs and sites around the web for the solutions and I got it by summing all the information collected from various sites. 1,650 3 3 gold badges 21 21 silver badges 36 36 bronze badges. Test out the newly installed package. It looks like the Dockerfile doesn't do an apt-get update before it tries to install apt-transport-https. 1. Following my previous post on r/voidlinux (no systemd), where I noticed systemd binaries showing up in htop and draining resources, after some help it turned out it's a trojan disguised as a systemd binary, according to virustotal.. stopping. hide. Trying to install Motion - missing libs. share | follow | edited Feb 14 '13 at 22:11. I don’t care to belong to any club that will have me as a member".—Groucho Marx Active 1 year, 5 months ago. Add Debian Packages to … Hitting the F1 key will show you the following message : "No documentation available". Page 2-Discuss anything related to Clash of Clans that doesn't fit in another sub-forum here! Unable to locate package libicu-dev , libicu-dev' returned a non-zero code: 100. Test out the newly installed package. Open sources.list file with the following command in Linux terminal. We received many questions about Kali Linux apt-get update not working. apt-get install xx Please view this Github issue to see the latest updates on this issue. In my case, it also solved whatever network problem was making apt to fail. To make sure latest packages is being installed, we need to issue an update command before installing packages from ubuntu, so the first update is required. There simply may not be a python-software-properties package for ARMv6, the ARM version the Pi is run on. 1. i installed a new Debian on a small VPS and now when i try to install sudo i just get this message. Package python-dev is not available, but is referred to by another package. Locate .local folder here and from there, you can find your path till extensions directory. Dipak Bhoi. This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or. Sort by. Unable to locate package libicu-dev , libicu-dev' returned a non-zero code: 100. Done E: Unable to locate package gtk2-devel So, I'm guessing there exists a newer version of some of the needed packages by another name. This thread is archived. I don't remember what I did, but the result was that apt-get doesn't locate ANY package. Fix E: “Unable to Locate Package” Error in Kali Linux, Solution for Unable to Locate Package in Linux, Add the URL in sources.list and update apt, How to grow a Web App? While we fully diagnose those issue, users have reported that changing the buffer size or installing the right drivers can help address this. Anyway, I located the binary, and it seems to be using cgmanager to run itself. i really appreciate  it. How fucked I am? Install documentation and examples If Qt Creator is installed thanks to the Ubuntu Sofware Center or thanks to the synaptic package manager, documentation for Qt Creator is not installed. To make sure latest packages is being installed, we need to issue an update command before installing packages from ubuntu, so the first update is required. NOTE: Do not do the following, but for completeness sake I'll add how to actually install it: You need to add the atom repository with the following command: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/atom Viewed 15k times 2. Hot Network Questions How would a completely bulletproof clothing affect modern warfare? $ apt-get -y install screen vim nano mc vfu bash-completion htop curl wget multitail git util-linux bzip2 zip unzip xz-utils software-properties-common man-db whiptail acl usbutils dirmngr arping Reading package … apt-get install xx 结果出现Unable to locate package 查看了网上的各种解决办法,只需输入一下命令更新一下即可. apt-get update apt-get upgrade 更新完了之后,再输入. Author Topic: E: Unable to locate package tasksel - Ubuntu (Read 6902 times) 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. save. sudo dig @ It is used to increase the download speed. Trying to install Motion - missing libs. Htop 2.2: Linux Process Monitoring. This can easily be solved by installing the Qt documentation: But I'm getting --> Unable to locate package google-chrome-stable ubuntu. Add Debian Packages to … Dismiss Join GitHub today. If not… Here’s an amazing and guaranteed solution for you. Typos are common so make sure that you have not made any mistakes in typing the name of the package. Would love your thoughts, please comment. I mean, if you are trying to install vlcand you typed vcl, it will surely fail. Htop 2.2: Linux Process Monitoring. The single most common causes of a broken Kali Linux installation are following unofficial advice, and particularly arbitrarily populating the system’s sources.List file with unofficial repositories. 67% Upvoted. ? Built on Genesis Framework and Powered by UpCloud. Get code examples like "E: Unable to locate package mongodb-org" instantly right from your google search results with the Grepper Chrome Extension. While we fully diagnose those issue, users have reported that changing the buffer size or installing the right drivers can help address this. yum is similar to other high level package managers like apt-get command/apt command. is only available from another source. Ask Question Asked 3 years, 8 months ago. “Unable to locate package sudo” when i try to install sudo on new Debian. Look for the value of uuid. Let’s fix unable to locate package update in Kali Linux correctly. How could this be fixed? many ways of installing software in Ubuntu, refer to the Ubuntu repository article I had mentioned earlier. thank you for the help I have a new out of the box Dell Precision tower 3620 that came with ubuntu 14 installed. Solved!!! sudo apt-get install dnsutils. ... ~/Downloads$ sudo apt-get install htop Reading package lists… Done Building dependency tree Reading state information… Done E: Unable to locate package htop Let's say we downloaded an archive of the source code from its website and that the archive is named htop-1.0.2.tar.gz, which is a compressed tar file. Done E: Unable to locate package I tried many fixes found on this site, like: apt-get upgrade & apt-get update & I tried recreating resources.list using nano. Done E: Unable to locate package bfgminer I have added bfgminer repositories before to /etc/apt/sources.list file: 5. Please log in again. 原因是因为 没有更新软件源,导致下载的时候找不到htop这个安装包 sudo apt-get update 更新软件源地址 再次执行 sudo apt-get install htop 肯定成功. 6. (The headers aren't needed at runtime, only when compiling software, so they make it easy to remove extra useless stuff for systems that aren't going to be doing any software compiling.) FOR KALI 16.2 (2017.2) Do you ever experience something like this? E: Unable to locate package kodi-vfs-sftp. E: Package 'kodi-inputstream-rtmp' has no installation candidate. The commands are as follows (see yum our command guide for more info): ## search it ## sudo yum search htop ## get more info, if found ## sudo yum info htop ## install it ## sudo yum install htop. yum where is package installed. Unable to boot after installing WSL 2. The compiler is looking for the library headers, and those aren't provided by the standard package. Package kodi-inputstream-rtmp is not available, but is referred to by another package. ... debian install package bittwist. GitHub is home to over 50 million developers working together to host and review code, manage projects, and build software together. Htop is an interactive real-time process monitoring application for Linux/Unix like systems and also a handy alternative to top command, which is a default process monitoring tool that comes with pre-installed on all Linux operating systems.. Htop has numerous other user-friendly features, which are not available under the top command and they are: Did you make a typo in the package name? Accidentally, I had removed the Kali Linux from my computer system. Active 1 year, 5 months ago. Go to your Home directory and press Crl+H to show hidden folders. Stack Overflow Public questions and answers; Teams Private questions and answers for your team; Enterprise Private self-hosted questions and answers for your enterprise; Talent Hire technical talent; Advertising Reach developers worldwide E: Unable to locate package kodi-vfs-sftp. Thanks bro. sudo apt-cache search dnsutils. 安装 htop 报 Unable to locate package htop. After logging in you can close it and return to this page. Unable to boot after installing WSL 2. Raspberry Pi. Forum: General Discuss anything related to Clash of Clans that doesn't fit in another sub-forum here! It really helped to get rid of this fucking error. I really love to express my knowledge in this blog, which has provided a lot of opportunity to me. As a side note, that post is Linux generic and not Raspberry Pi specific. deb http: deb http: deb http… Has anyone had this happen before. On a CentOS/RHEL version 6.x/7.x and above use the following yum command to tell whether a package named htop is installed: $ yum list installed {PACKAGE_NAME_HERE} $ yum list installed htop Sample outputs: Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile * base: * epel: * extras: * updates: Package htop-2.0.2-1.el7.x86_64 … [Kali Linux16.2] How to Fix "E Unable to locate package" or E: Unable to locate package WATCH VIDEO TO UNDERSTAND !!!! Installing OpenHAB2 on Raspberry Pi : Please keep an eye out as we add more connect to our YouTube channels as well as here at Instructables.John's DIY Playground at YouTubeMy YouTube ChannelopenHAB CommunityThis is an adaptation from the site … apt-fast is an alternative to apt which works on top of apt but uses aria2c to download packages. Help and Support. Note also that you should do this regularly as the repository will change over time. If you install Debian 9 system using a netinstall CD image, your system probably will not have all the necessary repositories (from which you can install common packages), included in the apt sources list file. 6. Also #85 , #2114 , and user voice here . E: Unable to locate package apt-transport-https The command '/bin/sh -c apt-get -y install apt-transport-https' returned a non-zero code: 100 ERROR: failed building grafana. In this example, the dnsutils utility is added to EdgeOS. 7. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. sudo apt-cache search dnsutils. Brutally grow your Web Application, Py Selenium • Beginners Tutorial for Python Selenium, [Solved] Google Chrome closes after few seconds • Chrome closes itself automatically. E: Unable to locate package htop INFO [0000] The command [/bin/sh -c apt-get install -y htop] returned a >non-zero code: 100. Done E: Unable to locate package bfgminer I have added bfgminer repositories before to /etc/apt/sources.list file: I tried the following additions but they didn't help: # trying universe repo sudo apt-get -y install libgconf2-4 libnss3-1d libxss1 sudo apt-get update # trying something for openstack sudo apt … sudo apt-get install dnsutils. We are aware of an issue affecting users where they are unable to boot after installing WSL 2. Eliah Kagan. The details about tar (tape archive) files are not important. Package kodi-inputstream-rtmp is not available, but is referred to by another package. Done E: Unable to locate package pip android python ubuntu pip. (The headers aren't needed at runtime, only when compiling software, so they make it easy to remove extra useless stuff for systems that aren't going to be doing any software compiling.) Example: Search and install htop package from epel repo on a CentOS/RHEL 7.x. 7. is only available from another source. 3、完美解决Unable to locate package、 files failed to download、fail to fatch;not get lock. Unable to locate package python-pip. Help and Support. Any help would be great! sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list. Htop is an interactive real-time process monitoring application for Linux/Unix like systems and also a handy alternative to top command, which is a default process monitoring tool that comes with pre-installed on all Linux operating systems.. Htop has numerous other user-friendly features, which are not available under the top command and they are: E: Package 'kodi-inputstream-rtmp' has no installation candidate. You can't just think that a compressed tar file is like a .zip file. Ask Question Asked 3 years, 8 months ago. Technology and fashion is my passion. My CPU is never at 100% on any core when screen sharing so it … 1. We received many questions about Kali Linux apt-get update not working. If I open htop in a terminal on my second screen, I can see that usually xorg is running at maybe 50% CPU so maybe that's the cause (or part of it), but that isn't a full CPU core if I understand htop's default way of measuring CPU load. Viewed 15k times 2. Dell Precision tower 3620 that came with Ubuntu 14 installed other Ubuntu boxes that have installed! Result into error like “ e: unable to boot after installing WSL.! Badges 36 36 bronze badges like apt-get command/apt command ARM version the Pi is run on users have reported changing! Package google-chrome-stable Ubuntu Feb 14 '13 at 22:11 fucking error the results compiler... 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